Brigitte Terrechant
Primal | Hyperion

Gender: Female
Race: Half-Elezen
Age: 31
Nameday: 2nd Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (2/2)
Height: 6'
Hair: dark blue with purple highlights
Eyes: teal
Occupation: bartender/astrologian
Orientation: asexual-panromanticPersonality: Generally easy going and friendly. She’ll continue to try and be cordial even when dealing with someone being rude to her, but she has her limit. Then they find out how sharp her tongue can be.Excels at reading people while tending bar, but if it turns personal, she not quite sure how to handle it. Her close relationships are few, but she cherishes them even if they don’t realize it.

An Ishgardian low-born, Brigitte’s mother died at a young age and she never knew her father. She took on odd jobs, learning a variety of skills to survive.Shortly before she left Ishgard, she worked as a server at the Forgotten Knight. In between drunk patrons, she spent time studying to be an astrologian, though they would only ever lend her books on Sharlayan astrology.She decided to leave Ishgard as an adventurer after the end of the Dragonsong War. She used to be occasionally found using a unique deck of cards that used to belong to her mother to tell people’s fortunes to make quick money, but wasn’t always the most accurate in her readings. More recently, she retired that deck and relies solely on her astrologian's deck for readings.When asked, she'll tell you her best abilities are card reading and pouring strong drinks. She's hesitant about cooking as she's unsure of her own abilities even after spending time learning at the culinarian's guild.Generally quiet, Brigitte will sometimes go off into her own little world despite whatever tasks she may be in the middle of, causing others to have to call her back. She can often be found shuffling her cards while on duty if she's bored since she finds the movement soothing.While she prefers to work at venues, sometimes she'll take jobs from her friend, Ketayl, which often let her travel.

Cards will be chosen by Brigitte through a /random 6 and /random 2.
Roll | Card | Orientation |
1 | Bole | Upright |
2 | Balance | Reverse |
3 | Spire | |
4 | Arrow | |
5 | Ewer | |
6 | Spear |
Single card draws are also available in looking for guidance for the day or a particular situation.There may be more options for readings in time. The larger the spread, the longer the time required.*Please remember that readings are in character for the character being read for and are not meant to be applied to the player's personal life.(Readings based off of information presented here)
Time Spread

A very basic three-card spread looking at the past, present, and future of the person inquiring.1. Past
2. Present
3. Future
Dream Spread

A three-card spread to interpret a dream of the person inquiring. Please describe the dream to be able to get a better reading.1. Relevance
2. Lessons
3. Application in daily life

Unwritten Bartender
The Twelve Drink ChallengeDrinks can be purchased specifically or chosen by card draw. Card will be a roll of random 6 and upright/reverse will be a roll of random 2.Once a drink is selected, the person taking the challenge must then /random and either meet or exceed the number listed in the table below. If the roll is failed the player must then RP how very drunk their character has become up to and including passing out. The staff would appreciate people refraining from vomiting.
Card | Upright (1) | Reverse (2) |
Bole (1) | Nophica (100) | Althyk (600) |
Balance (2) | Azeyma (800) | Nald'thal (500) |
Spire (3) | Byregot (300) | Rhalgar (950) |
Arrow (4) | Llymlaen (700) | Oschon (400) |
Ewer (5) | Nymeia (200) | Thaliak (500) |
Spear (6) | Menphina (50) | Halone (900) |
(The Twelve Drink Challenge is also available at theLude)

Thornclaw Bartender
Will do readings, but is often seen drawing a card for an undecided patron. Below is the table used in conjunction with Thornclaw's menu. Draws can also be done for only specials or only ales. Upright is even numbers, Reverse is odd.
Card | Upright | Reverse |
Bole | Thanalan Sunrise | Powder Punch |
Balance | Dirty Jack | Lalarita Margarita |
Spire | Grog | Ala Mhigan Bloodstorm |
Arrow | Lominsan Flagship | Admiral's Gambit |
Ewer | Eorzean Ale | Sharlayan Spritzer |
Spear | Siren's Spice | Dravanian Highwind |
Challenge draw: will it hurt or be disappointing?
Cards | Drink |
Spire/Spear | Umbral Calamity |
Arrow/Balance | Pixieberry Tea |
Bole/Ewer | Orange Juice |
Shangri-la Companion Hostess
Personality Traits: Quiet, easygoing, gentle with an occasional streak of mischief, tends to shift her speech when she gets comfortable (not on purpose)
Character Flaws: Easily embarrassed, doesn’t know how to take a compliment, low self-esteem